SSTI Digest

Geography: Connecticut


Frank Dinucci announced he will step down in April 2007 as president of Connecticut Innovations.


Peter Scott was named the director of Kettering University's new Fuel Cell and Advanced Technology Incubator.


The Maryland Technology Development Corp. has appointed Renée Winsky as its new executive director.

Tech Talkin’ Govs, Part IV

This is the fourth installment of SSTI’s look at the Inaugural, Budget and State of the State Addresses delivered in the past week. Earlier installments, published Jan. 29, Jan. 15 and Jan. 8, are available through:


Selected excerpts of the most recent batch of speeches are provided below:



Gov. Jodi Rell, Budget Address, Feb. 7, 2007

“I am also bringing vitality to our state’s job picture and economy throughout my budget ... in expanding the state’s job creation tax credit to entice more new development, in increasing support for small business innovation research, in assisting the CT Center for Advanced Technology with subsidies to develop a fuel cell cluster.”



Gov. Chet Culver, Budget Address, Jan. 30, 2007

“It's time for Iowa to become the Silicon Valley of the Midwest. ... To meet the energy challenge I am proposing the creation of a $100 million Iowa Power Fund, with a down payment of $25 million this year. This priority is of such critical importance, I am asking you to authorize a supplemental appropriation immediately. This will help us rapidly develop the next-generation energy economy in Iowa.


“This new investment will incent the growth of Iowa-based businesses in this exciting new industry, create jobs, and attract millions of dollars in public research and development funds. It will also result in hundreds of millions of dollars in private investment in renewable energy in Iowa.


“In addition, the Power Fund money will be used to help conduct the important research and development necessary for all forms of renewable energy and alternative fuel. ... We need to create the essential public-private partnerships required to further develop these alternative energy opportunities and commercialize them. ...


“... Today, I am asking you to lift the ban on stem-cell research. The health care budget I have outlined will allow us to create the Center for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Iowa, with a commitment of $12.5 million. ... Let Iowa be known as a center for science research and technology, not only in energy but in the health sciences too.



Gov. Ernie Fletcher, State of the State Address, Feb. 6, 2007

“I recommend tonight that we invest an additional $7 million in our Math Achievement Fund to make this program available to more than 100 schools across the state. ...


“... To help our nation achieve energy independence, I propose that we enact legislation that does four things:

SSTI Job Corner

Complete descriptions of the position openings described below are available at

The Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC), a nonprofit corporation that serves to promote Connecticut as a prime business location, is seeking a president and chief executive officer. Reporting to and working with the board of directors, CERC’s president and CEO develops a focused strategy consistent with the mission to enhance Connecticut’s economic growth. This strategy encourages and facilitates quality national and international businesses to locate, remain and expand in the state. A master’s degree in political science, economics, marketing or another related field is preferred.

New Economy Strategies LLC (NES), a national and ever-increasingly international technology-focused economic development consultancy, is looking for a professional to join its rapidly growing practice as chief project manager and senior consultant. This position reports directly to the CEO and works cooperatively with the chief operations officer. The position requires a master's degree in economics, business, urban affairs or a similar field, with at least five years of experience in economic development, public policy, or technology and innovation policy/strategy.

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA), an independent state entity dedicated to broadening New Jersey's economic base, is seeking a venture associate. This full-time position reports to the program manager of science and technology and serves to promote EDA financial offerings in order to create economic growth for the state's technology and life science sectors. Candidates should possess a bachelor’s degree, preferably with emphasis in finance, and have equivalent professional experience.

Purdue University's Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP) is seeking a research scientist to perform research, supervise graduate students and support activities involving advanced scientific visualization techniques and technologies. These activities include the design, development and deployment of software technologies that enable researchers to analyze massive data sets using resources ranging from PCs to immersive visualization environments with multiple platform rendering systems. A Ph.D. in computer science, computer graphics or a related field is required.


Connecticut Innovations has selected Frank Dinucci to fill the position of president and executive director, which was vacated by Chandler Howard.


Maneesh Sagar has been named director of investments at Connecticut Innovations.


John Hanson has joined the staff of the University of Connecticut Office of Technology Commercialization to serve as director for the new Tech-Knowledge Portal.


Connecticut Innovations has named Kevin Crowley as its director of investments.

Legislative Actions & Tech Talkin' Govs 2006, Part II

The second installment to Walkin' the Tech Talkin' Gov Walk (see the April 17 issue of the Digest) covers the outcomes of the 2006 legislative sessions within four states, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii and Kentucky. Following is a synopsis of bills passed and budget appropriations relevant to tech-based economic development and the priorities outlined in respective gubernatorial addresses at the beginning of 2006.


After seven months on the job, Connecticut Innovations President and CEO Chandler Howard is leaving to pursue an opportunity to establish a community bank in New Haven.

Recent Research: Dimensions of an Individual Global Mindset

Successful companies are forced to change business strategies as market realities shift. It happens all of the time. Browse the business section of your local bookstore and you'll see dozens of titles preaching the need for companies to adopt, adapt and innovate. The continuing restructuring of the U.S. durable manufacturing sector, as alluded to in the Useful Stats piece below, is a vivid example of the importance of abandoning old mindsets for industry: change or die.
