SSTI Digest

Geography: West Virginia

West Virginia Passes Two TBED Tax Credits

The jury's still out on the appropriate role or effectiveness of most tax credits to encourage tech-based economic development (TBED), but most politicians and economic development practitioners believe their state is at a competitive disadvantage without at least a few breaks.

West Virginia's Energy Village is Friendly to Small Start-up Companies

A new energy initiative in West Virginia, Energy Village, aims to help grow the state's small and start-up energy and environmental technology businesses. Gov. Bob Wise announced $125,000 in funding for the initiative on Monday.

West Virginia Development Office Plans $47.5M for TBED Awards

In its second attempt to distribute $225 million across the state to local economic development projects, after a lawsuit successfully challenged the initial selection process, the West Virginia Development office is poised to award nearly $47.5 million to directly benefit several technology-specific initiatives.

TBED Comings and Goings

The Charleston Gazette reports Ron Hatfield, director of jobs development for the West Virginia University Institute of Technology's Technology Research and Development Corp., will also serve as the new executive director of the Upper Kanawha Economic Development Corp.

West Virginia Creates ED/Tech Centers, Limits CAPCOS

Wrapping up its 2003 session earlier this month, the West Virginia State Legislature passed three bills designed to help build a technology-based economy.

Tech-Talkin' Governors: The 2002 State of the State and Budget Addresses

Each year, SSTI looks at the various addresses given by the nation's governors at the beginning of the year. While the aftermath of September 11 weighs heavily in the content of this year's State of the State addresses, the important role tech-based economic development plays for strengthening state and local economies during a recession has not been overlooked by many governors.


David Satterfield is the new Executive Director of the West Virginia Development Office. Mr. Satterfield was Gov. Bob Wise's chief of staff. 

Western Virginia Explores Its Future

Western Virginia’s economy is stagnant due to a variety of factors and must get in line with the “New Economy” according to a report commissioned by the Center for Innovative Leadership in Roanoke. A second study by the Center revealed the area's residents appear willing to support activities designed to bring new business and employment to the region.

The report concluded that despite a favorable quality of life in the “New Century Region," as Western Virginia calls itself, the area's economy has been concentrated heavily on declining manufacturing industries and must find ways to attract high technology business.

The region is home to the fourth largest concentration of population in Virginia, but has suffered from cutbacks in defense spending, increases in global competition and corporate mergers. Employment in the region increased by only 0.2 percent in 1999 compared to 2.7 percent for the entire state. The lack of new businesses contributed to stagnant population growth of 0.3 percent in the 1990s versus 1.5 percent for all of Virginia.

“The industry mix in the [New Century Region] has not kept up with the changes in national and local demand and the industry mix is concentrated in forms that have grown at a sluggish rate or have declined over the last few years,” the report said.

The report recommends the region target economic development policies toward fast-growing high tech industries to compensate for an expected decline in labor-intensive industries that currently exist there.

On the positive side, the report found that the area has an excellent higher education base, led by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the Carillon Biomedical Institute, that could be a catalyst to transform the region into the biomedical capital of Virginia.

Position Available

Wheeling Jesuit University invites applications for the position of Chair of the Department of Business and Technology. Among the Chair's responsibilities are recruiting and retaining faculty, overseeing curriculum and budget, developing and maintaining strong ties to the business and governmental community of the Wheeling area, and articulating a vision which leads to widespread recognition of the Depart-ment as offering a premier education program. Applications will be accepted until May 10, 1999. The complete job posting is available on the SSTI website at

Economic Development Director Sought

West Virginia University is seeking candidates to fill the newly created, high-profile position of Economic Development Director and Senior Advisor to the WVU leadership. He/she will be the primary WVU spokesperson for economic development with the mission to maximize the impact of WVU on West Virginia's economy. Review of applications will begin January 15, 1999. Additional information, including application procedures, are available at http// The complete job posting is available on the SSTI website at

Entrepreneurship and Technology Management Professor Sought

The Wheeling Jesuit University is seeking candidates for a combined faculty/administrative position in Entre-preneurship and Technology Management and Chair of the Department of Business and Technology. Duties include teaching, advising student, seeking grants, coordinating a new undergraduate major in Entre-preneurship and Technology Management, and arranging for student internships and faculty consulting opportunities in the entrepreneurship and technology management areas. Applications will be accepted March 15, 1999. The complete job posting is available on the SSTI website at

West Virginia to Establish Science & Tech Board

The West Virginia Legislature recently approved a bill to create the West Virginia Science & Technology Policy Advisory Board.  The 11- member board will be appointed by the Governor and is expected to:
