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Air Force DUS&T Offers Pre-Solicitation Workshop

October 29, 1999

The Air Force Dual Use Science & Technology Program (DUS&T) will be holding a pre-solicitation conference to provide businesses an opportunity to participate in the process of generating topics for the Air Force DUS&T solicitation to be released in January.

The DUS&T Program is designed to help the Department of Defense partner with industry to jointly fund the development of technologies that have both military utility and sufficient commercial potential to support a viable industrial base. This is accomplished through streamlined contracting procedures, and cost sharing between the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the individual Services, and industry.

At the upcoming conference, the Air Force will provide an overview to DUS&T and the FY 2001 solicitation cycle. Four technical sessions will be held to present and discuss the roadmaps for four technology thrusts: information systems and human factors; advanced materials and manufacturing processes; power, including space-based systems; and sensors.

The workshop will be held at the Hope Hotel & Conference Center in Dayton, Ohio on November 9. Workshop information may be obtained at http://afdustreg.dytn.veridian.com. More information on the DUS&T program may be found at: http://www.dtic.mil/dust/