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Arizona home to effort launching national semiconductor roadmap

Semiconductor leaders and stakeholders have joined together to launch a year-long, industry-led effort to boost U.S. semiconductor competitiveness. The National Semiconductor Economic Roadmap (NSER) will focus on the workforce, supply chain and infrastructure to support industry R&D, design, manufacturing and end applications. Arizona Commerce Authority is facilitating the effort; the group’s founding industry partners have operations in more than a dozen states and territories.

The NSER partners will convene over the coming months to identify precompetitive technical challenges and opportunities, infrastructure and supply chain issues, workforce skill requirements and more. Participating entities will include private sector companies, higher education institutions, industry associations and states. Arizona has received two multi-billion dollar semiconductor investments since May 2020 that combined are expected to create about 5,000 jobs in the state.

Entities interested in joining NSER can find more information at www.azcommerce.com/NSER.
