ATP Public Meeting: Tools for DNA Diagnostics
The Advanced Technology Program (ATP) of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has announced a public meeting to bring together all ATP awardees of the ATP Tools for DNA Diagnostics program "to present an overview of the non-proprietary aspects of their research and development activities." The goals of the meeting are to: "inform the DNA diagnostics community about activities at this stage of the focused program, promote cross-fertilization of concepts and efforts, promote strategic partnering across companies and other organizations, accelerate commercialization of emerging technologies, and promote networking." The meeting will be held September 9-10 at NIST headquarters in Gaithersburg, MD.
Since 1994, ATP has supported a focused initiative in Tools for DNA Diagnostics. The goal of this initiative has been "to develop cost-effective methods to determine, analyze, and store DNA sequences for a wide variety of diagnostic applications." Currently, the initiative has provided $106 million worth of ATP funding, includes 22 industrial projects, and has leveraged $99 million of industry matching funds committed over five years.
For more information about the meeting or to register, contact Tammie Grice at NIST, tel: 301-975-3883, fax: 301-948-2067, or email: