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AZ Gov Directs $10M in Stimulus Funds for Research and Education Initiatives

August 27, 2010

Gov. Jan Brewer is directing $10 million in federal stimulus funds to Science Foundation Arizona (SFAz) to support research and education initiatives. The bulk of the money ($6.5 million) will go toward research initiatives and the remaining $3.5 million will be directed toward education programs. SFAz was created in 2006 as a public-private organization to strengthen the state's economy through investments in science and technology. Arizona's neighbor to the north, Utah, also directed a portion of federal stimulus funds to enhance its technology-based economy. In 2009, legislators approved $33 million in stimulus funds for the state-funded USTAR initiative (see the March 25, 2009 issue of the Digest).  Read SFA's press release ...
