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Canadian government launches C$950 million superclusters initiative

June 01, 2017

In an effort to incentivize large-scale industry partnerships, Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada will invest up to C$950 million (US$708.5 million) between 2017 and 2022 in superclusters as part of the nation’s Innovation and Skills Plan. ISED Canada defines superclusters as “innovation hotbeds” that build on the advantages of clusters, “dense area of business activity containing a critical mass of large and small companies, post-secondary and other research institutions.” Grants, expected to be in the order of C$125 million to C$250 million (US$93.2 to US$186.5 million), will be distributed to three to five industry-led consortiums in Canada working around industries where the nation has pre-existing strengths (e.g., advanced manufacturing, agri-food, clean technology, digital technology, health/biosciences, clean resources, or infrastructure and transportation). Awarded consortiums will implement market-driven strategies across topics such as increased industry partnerships, collaborative research and development, and the commercialization of new products, among others.

To be eligible, consortiums must display industry leadership, nonprofit governance, and dollar for dollar matching support. Consortiums should also include firms from all sizes, as well as other members of the regional innovation system such as academic and post-secondary institutions and not-for-profit organizations. Letters of intent for the superclusters initiative are due by July 21, with full applications due later in the year. For those interested, ISED Canada will be holding informational sessions to support letters of intent phase of the application. 

canada, international