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Collaborative Planning Focuses Regional Development Efforts

April 12, 2002

Economic development leaders within the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Technology Corridor have joined other areas of the U.S. in marketing the area as one unified region. Elected representatives from 10 cities and two counties located in the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Technology Corridor recently signed a joint proclamation as a statement of support for the Corridor’s targeted industry cluster development regional efforts. This effort, focusing on the strength of the regional economy, is designed to attract prospective businesses and industry to the Corridor. 

For planning and marketing purposes, the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Technology Corridor is defined as a region including the metropolitan areas of Cedar Rapids and Iowa City and adjacent communities represented by Priority One and Iowa City Area Development (ICAD). Representatives of Priority One — an economic development division of the Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce — and the nonprofit ICAD worked to define the regional economy and to determine both short- and long-term development prospects. The approach utilized industry clustering concepts outlined in a state-funded research project. 

During the spring of 2001, the Iowa Department of Economic Development approached representatives of the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Technology Corridor with a proposal to conduct a pilot study that would explore ways to bring targeted industry clustering concepts into practice on a regional level. 

An extensive trip schedule to visit prospective target industries is planned for this year. 
