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Conference Sponsor Profile: Minnesota Technology, Inc.

September 10, 2001

Since its founding in 1991, the nonprofit Minnesota Technology Inc. (MTI) has been Minnesota lead technology-based economic development organization. Its mission, to help existing small and medium-sized companies apply, develop and commercialize technology, is achieved through three objectives: 

  • Diversify the Greater Minnesota economy towards advanced manufacturing and technology-based businesses; 
  • Promote the technology community in Minnesota and encourage awareness of the importance of a technology economy to the state; and, 
  • Provide leadership in public policy discussions 

Minnesota Technology, Inc. has a staff of approximately 85 people and is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the governor and state legislature. The organization also is supported by ten Advisory Councils spread throughout the state and consisting of local business and community leaders. 

Celebrating its first decade of service to Minnesotans, MTI can point to more than 4,000 individual companies assisted and a bottom-line impact of more than $600 million. MTI also is an affiliate of the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership Network, described above. 

More information about Minnesota Technology Inc. — a gold sponsor hosting an exhibit at SSTI's annual conference Sept. 20-21, 2001 — is available at http://www.minnesotatechnology.org 
