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Department of Education

February 15, 2000

With 12.6 percent growth, the Department's budget request includes the largest increase in discretionary spending in the history of the Department. Funding for educational research would increase by $30 million. S&T highlights include:

  • Community Technology Centers – $100 million (up $67.5 million) to create 1,000  computer centers in low-income urban and rural neighborhoods around the country.
  • Next Generation Technology Innovation – $170 million (new), replacing two other programs that received $197 million in FY 2000, NGTI would provide funding to develop new applications of educational technologies and telecommunications for teaching and learning.
  • Regional Technology in Education Consortia – $10 million (no change) to support regional consortia of states, districts and schools to integrate technology with teaching and learning.
  • Technology Leadership Activities – $2 million (no change) to promote leadership in the field of educational technology, including measuring the effectiveness of technology programs.