Dept of Commerce Briefs
1999 Baldrige Winners Announced
Two manufacturers and two service companies have been selected as winners of the 1999 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the nation's premier award for performance excellence and quality achievement. No award recipients were selected in the new education and health care categories.
The winners are: STMicroelectronics, Inc. - Region Americas (Carrollton, TX; manufacturing); BI (Minneapolis, MN.; service); The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. (Atlanta, GA; service); and Sunny Fresh Foods (Monticello, MN.; small business/ manufacturing).
The Baldrige program is managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in conjunction with the private sector. Since 1988, 37 organizations have received a Baldrige Award. More information can be found at:
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ATP Solicitation Opens
With the FY 2000 budget battle finally behind them, the Advanced Technology Program (ATP) has available approximately $50.7 million dollars in fiscal year 2000 for first-year funding of new projects that can run as long as five years. This year, ATP is conducting one competition, using the same competition structure and selection criteria that it used during the 1999 competition. The deadline for full proposals is March 8, 2000.
ATP accepts abbreviated pre-proposals throughout the year to provide feedback to potential applicants as to the suitability of the proposed project. Pre-proposals should be submitted no later than two months prior to the deadline for full proposals to allow enough time to incorporate the feedback comments in a full proposal. Details of this optional pre-proposal process may be found in the ATP Proposal Preparation Kit.
The kit and copies of the presenters’ slides from the Nov. 15-17 ATP National Conference are available from the agency or via its website:
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