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Dept. of Homeland Security S&T calls for R&D partners

November 02, 2017

The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) within the Department of Homeland Security is looking for partners to help develop scientific advancements and technological innovations that solve homeland security challenges. The directorate is open to a broad range of potential partners, from technology developers and innovators creating ideas in their garages, to small businesses and large corporationsand has issued a guide detailing the ways partners can work with the agency.Industry Guide: R&D Investment Priorities and Business Opportunities 2017 includes a table providing an overview of the R&D investment outlook for the types of technologies and capabilities DHS anticipates will address current homeland security needs.

The directorate plans to invest portions of the R&D and innovation funds during fiscal years 2018-20121 in the following technical categories:

  • Sensors, detection devices and screening systems;
  • Data exploitation, pattern recognition and analysis;
  • Communication systems and networks;
  • Cyber and IT monitoring, vetting, security assurance;
  • Robotics and autonomous systems;
  • Modeling and simulation; and,
  • Biometrics collection and utilization.

Anyone having products in the near-market or prototype stage that relate to these categories and are interested in seeking a partnership with the S&T directorate can reach the industry liaison at SandT.Innovation@hq.dhs.gov.

federal agency r&d