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DoD announces funding opportunity for STEM Community College Consortium

February 03, 2022

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) National Defense Education Program is seeking to strategically fund science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education at 2-year institutions and community colleges through a consortium approach. DoD is planning five awards ranging between $5 million to $11 million with an aim to enhance the STEM workforce through regional consortia that will develop and encourage STEM ecosystems between 2-year institutions and/or community colleges and 4-year institutions, industry, local education agencies, and others in STEM education.

Responses to this funding opportunity are encouraged to focus on either or both of the below goals:

(1) Promote and support the completion of technical training and certificate programs that strengthen the DoD and Defense Industrial Base (DIB) science, technology, and manufacturing workforce.

(2) Develop, support, and increase the transition of students, especially those from underserved and underrepresented populations to include veterans and their spouses, from 2-year institutions and/or community college STEM programs to STEM degrees at 4-year institutions.

The deadline to apply is March 29 and more information is available here.

dod, stem, community college