DOE Announces $7.4 million in NICE3 and I&I Awards
The Department of Energy has announced the selection of 32 grants under National Industrial Competitiveness Through Energy, Environment, and Economics Program (NICE3) and Inventions and Innovations Program (I&I). NICE3 grants support projects for commercial demonstration of innovative industrial technologies that reduce energy consumption, waste production, and operating costs. Eight NICE3 projects will share $3.8 million from DOE; industry will contribute $6.4 million in match. NICE3 awardees are located in California (2 awards), Colorado, Connecticut (2 awards), Delaware, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania.
The Inventions and Innovations Program assists inventors and entrepreneurs to bring their energy-saving ideas and technologies to the marketplace. The 24 I&I awardees for 1999 will receive up to $200,000 each for their energy-related inventions. The I&I grants, totaling $3,584,625, were made to companies, universities, and individuals in the following states: Arizona (2 awards), California (2 awards), Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts (3 awards), Michigan, New Jersey (2 awards), New Mexico, New York (3 awards), Ohio, Oregon (2 awards), Pennsylvania, Utah, and Virginia.
Optional pre-proposals for NICE3 and I&I are being accepted until March 17. The formal 2000 competitive solicitations for each program will open in early May; full proposals are due in late July. For a list of recipients for both programs and links to program details, visit: