DOE Announces Over $100M Available to Improve Clean Energy Manufacturing
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) released a notice of intent to establish a Modular Chemical Process Intensification Institute for Clean Energy Manufacturing –the fourth National Manufacturing Innovation Institute sponsored by the Department of Energy. EERE will commit up to $70 million to spur innovation related to clean energy technologies that reduce energy and greenhouse gas emissions in energy-intensive and energy-related manufacturing. EERE plans to issue the federal funding announcement in May. At that time, EERE will outline the final eligibility requirements, potential funding commitment, and other key details.
EERE also announced the availability of approximately $35 million in funding to institutions of higher education to assist small- and medium-sized U.S. manufacturers increase energy efficiency, productivity, sustainability, and competitiveness as well as help address the shortage of engineering professionals with applied energy-related skills. The Industrial Assessment Centers (IAC) program provides hands-on training and education for undergraduate and graduate engineering students in manufacturing processes, energy assessment procedures, and energy management systems.
Under the supervision of engineering faculty, students will perform on-site assessments in several areas including energy, productivity, water-resource use, and waste assessments. EERE intends to select approximately 20 to 30 universities, along with partnering organizations, through a competitive-selection process. Projects will receive between $1.25 million and $1.75 million. Applications are due May 19. More information is available at:
dept of energy, manufacturing