DOE Issues Formal Response to CRENEL Report
The Department of Energy (DOE) has published a formal response to the final report of the Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories (CRENEL). The commission’s report, Securing America’s Future: Realizing the Potential of the Department of Energy’s National Laboratories found that the DOE Labs need to focus on six key themes: recognizing their value; rebuilding trust; maintaining alignment and quality; maximizing impact; managing effectiveness and efficiency; and, ensuring lasting change. In response to the recommendations offered in the CRENEL report, the DOE’s formal response indicates that the department is committed to executing the following objectives, including to:
- Identify and provide necessary resources by conducting rigorous, comprehensive strategic planning across DOE, to include the laboratories in the process;
- Assist Congress in its role of reviewing the laboratories by promoting greater transparency with Congress and the taxpayer;
- Implement laboratory stewardship through partnership;
- Clarify roles and responsibilities;
- Improve the development and implementation of requirements and improve the laboratory oversight environment;
- Improve annual laboratory planning and evaluation;
- Manage the laboratories as a system, seeking to achieve maximum benefit for the nation;
- Examine procedures, beyond strategic planning, to allow laboratories flexibility to maintain excellence in the expertise of research staff;
- Enhance laboratory mission-aligned collaboration with stakeholders and the broader science and technology community;
- Continue to develop the Institutional Cost Report (ICR); and,
- Revitalize laboratory infrastructure, reduce the risk of excess facilities, and improve project management.
federal agency, energy