DOE opens $7 billion funding opportunity for regional clean hydrogen hubs
Representing one of the largest investments in the agency’s history, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has opened applications for the clean hydrogen hubs (H2Hubs) program. These regional hubs will be spread out across the country and receive $7 billion in funding. The H2Hubs Program will be managed by DOE’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations with support from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
According to the DOE release about the funding opportunity, DOE expects to select six to 10 hubs to jumpstart local economic growth and create good-paying jobs in an effort to build a clean energy economy, improve energy security, and fight climate change. Projects funded under this program are expected to include a plan to invest in disadvantaged communities and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion through their work. Concept papers are due by Nov. 7, 2022, and full applications are due by April 7, 2023. States began forming partnerships in the spring in anticipation of the announcement.
DOE has also released a draft of the National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap with plans to release a final version with a comprehensive plan for hydrogen production, use and storage in the coming months. Additionally, DOE has announced a series of funding opportunities to further progress in the carbon management industry. The three opportunities are Carbon Storage Validation and Testing, Carbon Capture Demonstration Projects Program, and the Carbon Dioxide Transport Engineering and Design. These funding opportunities will award about $4.9 billion total to successful applicants.
clean energy, equity