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DOL, SBA Announce Funding to Support Regional Industries to Compete in Global Economy

April 23, 2014

The Department of Labor (DOL) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) recently announced programs that will provide financial support to help states and regions assist key industries and small businesses compete in the global economy through the development of regionally focused workforce development and export assistance programs.

The DOL announced that it is accepting applications for the $450 million Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants Program (TAACCT). Administered by the DOL’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA), TAACCT awards are capacity-building grants to spur innovation and the development of model training programs to increase the number of workers who attain certificates, degrees, and other industry-recognized credentials that align with regional industries affected by trade. TAACCCT-funded programs are intended to prepare participants for employment in high-wage, high-skill occupations in a range of fields including advanced manufacturing. ETA will commit approximately $450 million to support up to 50 awards that will be made to community colleges and other institutions of higher education across the country. Applications are due July 7. Read the announcement…

The SBA announced that it is accepting applications for a new round of the State Trade and Export Promotion Grant Program (STEP) Program, a three-year pilot trade and export initiative to make matching-fund grants for states to establish export promotion programs that assist small businesses enter and succeed in the international marketplace. The program's objectives are to increase the number of small businesses that are exporting, and to increase the exports of those small businesses currently exporting in states across the country. In this round of funding, the SBA will make up to 25 awards from an anticipated $8 million in available funding. Regional STEP services initiatives are managed at the local level by state economic development organizations. Proposals are due May 20. Read the announcement…

dol, sba, clusters, workforce