Economic study shows robotics boom in Pittsburgh creating new businesses and jobs
Celebrating its 25 years in operation, the National Robotics Engineering Center’s (NREC) success is revealed in an economic study commissioned by Carnegie Mellon University “to inform the future development of boundary-pushing institutions.” Established decades ago as “a new model of academic-industry partnership,” the NREC study, conducted by Fourth Economy Consulting, reveals how the robotics institution changed the economy of the neighborhood, region and robotics industry in Pittsburgh.
While not written as a traditional economic impact study, some of the key effects revealed in the study include:
- $545 million dollars in total funding raised by NREC;
- 80 new companies created in the field of robotics;
- 64 percent of NREC employees stayed in the Pittsburgh region and three in five robotics, artificial intelligence, and tech sectors have direct ties to the National Robotics Center;
- Educational programming including training 250-350 teachers annually that allows the next generations of Pittsburgh’s workers to understand what robotics is and the importance of technology.
The full study, Robots in the Backyard, is available here.