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Federal R&D Programs Report Now Online

August 30, 1996

The materials research and development programs of nine federal departments and agencies are available in a new report, The Federal Research and Development Program in Materials Science and Technology 1995. The report was developed as a guide for materials researchers in industry, government, and universities. The emphasis in the report is on R&D directly linked to industrial applications, particularly in the areas of aeronautics, automotive technology, electronics, environmental technology, and infrastructure. The organizations listed are: the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, Interior, and Transportation; and NASA and the National Science Foundation.

The report is available on the NIST Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory's homepage at http://www.msel.nist.gov. Click on the report's title in the "Technology Policy and Assessment Reports" section. The report is also available in printed form and on CD-ROM. For additional information, contact Samuel Schneider, B309 Materials Building, NIST, Gaithersburg MD 20899-0001 or phone 301/975-5655.
