FY 2000 COSSI RFP Released
The Department of Defense (DoD) has released the program description and request for proposals for the FY 2000 Commercial Operations & Support Savings Initiative (COSSI). COSSI, a joint program of the Army, Navy and Air Force, is designed to develop and test a method for reducing Defense operations and support costs by inserting commercial items into fielded military systems.
COSSI funding available for this RFP is anticipated to range between $75-$100 million, dependent on the FY 2000 Defense appropriation. A reserve of 15-20 percent of the total funds available is to be set aside for joint projects - projects with application in more than one service.
Selected proposers will develop, manufacture and deliver prototype "kits" to the military for installation into a fielded DoD system. Each kit will consist of a commercial product, item or a combination of commercial items, that has been adapted, qualification-tested and readied for use in the appropriate military system.
To be considered for funding, projects must demonstrate considerable cost savings for DoD. Proposers must calculate the project's Ranking Index, a ratio of the total net present value of marginal savings divided by the total net present value of marginal investment (discussed in further detail in the Program Solicitation). The minimum acceptable Ranking Index for proposal consideration is 2:1.
All proposals must involve at least one for-profit company. Proposals also must include written support from a "military customer" who has the authority to modify the system and purchase the kits.
The COSSI program consists of two stages. In Stage One, COSSI and the selected proposals will share the costs of developing and testing the kit. Items in the kit must be currently or imminently available on the commercial market. Totally new or unproven concepts for commercial products will not be considered. Proposers must contribute at least 25 percent to the cost of completing Stage One.
Stage Two is the acquisition of successful Stage One products through simplified sole-source procurements. Funds for Stage Two must be identified by the military customer identified in Stage One.
Proposals are due September 15, 1999; a bidders conference will be held in July. The FY 2000 Program Description and additional background information can be found on the COSSI website: http://www.acq.osd.mil/es/dut/