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Georgia's Fourth Innovation Center Focuses on Life Sciences

February 28, 2005

Gov. Sonny Perdue recently announced the creation of the state's fourth Center of Innovation. Located in Augusta, the Life Sciences Innovation Center (LSIC) will assist with business incubation and securing matching grants for applied R&D with industry partners through the Georgia Research Alliance.

A joint partnership between the state and the Life Sciences Business Development Center of the Medical College of Georgia, LSIC will enhance the likelihood of success for Georgia life sciences companies, according to the governor's office. The center will provide expertise and counsel for life science entrepreneurs, serve as an incubator facility for bio-business, and foster opportunities for joint university and private applied research work.

The Georgia Centers of Innovation program was launched in 2003 to enhance long-term economic opportunities and encourage new companies to invest and build in the state. The program focuses on specific industries such as aerospace, agricultural technologies, life sciences, marine logistics, and information technology,

The first center, the Maritime Logistics Innovation Center, was created in August 2003 in Savannah, followed by the Middle Georgia Aerospace Innovation Center in November 2003 (see the Dec. 5 issue of the Digest) and the National Environmentally Sound Production Agriculture Laboratory Technology Development Center in August 2004. More information about the Georgia Centers of Innovation is available at: http://www.smartgeorgia.org/greatergeorgia/greatergeorgia.html

Hold That Date!

SSTI annual conference note: Georgia's approach to building a tech-based economy -- founded on significant and targeted investments in innovative university-based research -- provides a model worthy of study and emulation by many other states and large communities. That's one of the great reasons SSTI is proud to be convening its ninth annual conference in Atlanta on Oct. 19-21, 2005.

Our co-host organizations, proven leaders in the TBED field, are the Georgia Research Alliance and the Advanced Technology Development Center. More information is to come. We encourage you to save the dates and plan to join us in Atlanta to learn more about what makes both efforts so successful.
