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Global Entrepreneurship Week Aims to Inspire Youth

November 17, 2010

This week, millions of people in more than 100 countries across the globe will participate in activities, forums and competitions geared toward helping young people develop the skills and knowledge needed to grow innovative companies as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2010. The third annual celebration co-founded by the Kauffman Foundation and Enterprise UK boasts participation from students, educators, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and government officials. In tandem with the global celebration, President Obama proclaimed Nov. 14 through Nov. 20, 2010, as National Entrepreneurship Week, celebrating American entrepreneurs and highlighting the administration's national innovation strategy, which emphasizes entrepreneurship as a catalyst for new industries, new businesses and new jobs, according to a press release. The president's National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship currently is collecting input from across the U.S. to recommend policies to bolster job growth. Read more ...
