Government Info Fuels Open Data Entrepreneurship
A new article from Governing magazine is promoting free digital access to public information, or “Open Data,” as a pathway for promoting entrepreneurship and government cost-savings. When governments release free digital public records entrepreneurs can use the information to create apps that provide valuable and profitable services to consumers. In San Francisco, local company Appallicious used park data to build the SF Rec Park appthat allows users to easily locate the city's green spaces and search by available facilities and volunteer opportunities. Open Data can also potentially help cash-strapped local and state governments find savings through efficiency. The state of Oregon recently turned business registration into a self-service, saving significant labor costs for the state. Google has recently invested in promoting open data entrepreneurship and The Obama Administration is strong promoter of open data access, promoting a Digital Government Strategy and providing the website as a platform for civic innovation.
Oregonbig data, entrepreneurship