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Housing Technology Funds Available

December 17, 1999

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is offering approximately $1 million in financial assistance for the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing Cooperative Research Program (PATH CoRP). PATH encourages the development of innovative housing components and systems, designs, and production methods as well as projects that reduce the amount of time needed to move quality technologies to the market place.

PATH CoRP is seeking proposals in support of the four PATH program goals:

  • Reduce the monthly cost of new housing by 20 percent (mandatory for all funded projects)
  • Cut the environmental impact and energy use of new housing by 50 percent or more and reduce the energy use in at least 15 million existing homes by 30 percent or more.
  • Improve durability and reduce maintenance costs by 50 percent.
  • Reduce by at least 10 percent the risk of loss of life, injury, and property destruction from natural hazards and reduce by at least 20 percent residential construction work illnesses and injuries.

Funded proposals must demonstrate that the innovation has the potential to address at least one PATH Goal in addition to the first, mandatory goal.

Project proposals will be accepted in seven areas of interest outlined in the funding announcement. Research projects must be designed to produce at least one tangible result that can be implemented into a new product addressing the PATH goals within an 18 month period.

The PATH CoRP program is open to participation by for-profit or non-profit industry organizations and industry-led teams of organizations. A university, state or local government, or federal government laboratory is not eligible to submit a proposal nor may they administer a project. Any of these entities may participate on a project team, however.

The deadline for proposals is February 7, 2000. The program anticipates awarding 5-10 cooperative agreements ranging from $50,000 - $200,000. Projects may last up to 36 months. A minimum cost-share of 30 percent is required. At least 20 percent of the cost-share must be in cash.

For more information, visit http://www.pathnet.org
