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Incubator RoundUp: Growing and Sustaining High Technology Companies

May 28, 2008

Offering customized workspace such as wet laboratories and specialized research equipment is one of the many benefits provided by technology-focused incubators. Access to university research, business mentoring and administrative support services often accompany the reduced rent facilities with the goal of growing technology companies into successful, self-sustaining enterprises. Following are select announcements of recently launched incubators and partnerships from across the nation. 
GateWay Community College recently received a recommendation from the Phoenix Parks, Education, Bioscience and Sustainability subcommittee of the Phoenix City Council to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the college to build a bioscience incubator laboratory with wet lab space, the Arizona Republic reports. The wet lab would be a minimum of 5,000 sq. ft. and located near the Phoenix Biomedical Campus.
Colorado’s first aerospace business incubator will provide services, less the office space, for companies involved in space technology and resource development. The 8th Continent Project at the Colorado School of Mines announced a $150,000 grant from the Colorado Economic Development Commission will be used to serve 14-15 start-up companies per year. Funding from the commission is being matched two-and-a-half dollars for every one dollar through cash and in-kind contributions from 8th Continent’s founding partners.
Enterprise Florida, a public-private partnership serving as the state’s primary organization devoted to statewide economic development, announced last month the new Florida Institute for Commercialization of Public Research will be based at the Florida Atlantic University Research & Development Park. Created by the legislature last year, the institute is a “one-stop shop” to facilitate new venture creation and showcase technology and product development growing out of research from Florida’s public universities.
The Tavistock Group announced plans to build a $50 million, 100,000-square-foot wet lab and biotech incubator facility in Lake Nona, situated near the University of Central Florida College of Medicine and the Burnham Institute for Medical Research, reports the Orlando Business Journal. Construction is expected to begin in 2009.
An initial $1.15 million grant from the Indiana Economic Development Corporation will provide start-up costs related to The Hammond INnovation Center, an 8,200-square-foot incubator designed to support high tech start-up companies. Purdue University-Calumet will manage the facility. 
Purdue Research Park broke ground last month on its third building, a 105,000-square-foot technology incubator dubbed Purdue Technology Center II. The Purdue Research Foundation hopes to attract businesses in the fields of life sciences, information technology, and advanced manufacturing and logistics. A $3 million donation from a Purdue University alumnus is helping to finance the $14.5 million project, according to the Journal and Courier.
The University of Kansas Medical Center will build a regional wet lab incubator for life sciences start-up companies with help from a $3 million federal grant, according to the Kansas City Business Journal. The planned 40,000-square-foot incubator will house companies started by faculty researchers from universities in the region and entrepreneurs who license locally generated research, the article states. The Kansas Bioscience Authority and Kansas University Medical Center announced they will finance the remaining cost, which is expected to be another $3.25 million.
To accelerate Baltimore’s bioscience industry, an agreement was signed earlier this year by the developer of Baltimore BioPark and Baltimore City’s technology incubator, the Emerging Technology Center (ETC), to coordinate incubation and leasing activities for early-state bioscience companies. The new BioInnovation Center provides flexible, modular lab suites with wet lab and office space. Under the agreement, ETC will provide business mentoring and incubation assistance to early-stage life science and bioscience companies. In return, Bio Park will promote ETC services to tenants and prospects and offer laboratory space to tenant companies, according to a press release.
The new Business Engagement Center at the University of Michigan (UM) opened earlier this month. The center shares 17,000 sq. ft. with the recently relocated UM Office of Technology Transfer. The two offices will work together to strengthen UM ties to business and community partners.
Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt announced a North Kansas City nonprofit organization was approved for $150,000 in tax credits through the state’s Small Business Incubator Program. The facility will provide incubator services for businesses in technology and life sciences. In collaboration with the University of Central Missouri Innovation Center and the Small Business Technology Development Center, the new Avvio Center will provide training, workshops and seminars to tenants.
Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey launched a business incubator last month focusing solely on sustainable start-up and early-stage companies in alternative energy, the environment, waste reduction, urban agriculture, transportation, and business information.
A new round of federal funding earlier this year prompted construction of a new technology incubator at SUNY Fredonia State College. Previously operating within a temporary facility, the $150,000 earmark enables construction of the new 21,000-square-foot incubator in Dunkirk, reports Buffalo Business First. An extension of the university’s main campus in Fredonia, the incubator will house approximately 30 start-up companies within varied technology sectors. Completion is slated for next year.
A new 300-acre corporate campus being developed by Triangle North in partnership with Vance-Granville Community College will include a biotech incubator for start-ups in the biotechnology industry. 
Clemson University received final approval from the State Budget and Control Board on its request of $5 million to begin construction on a new Innovation Center at the Clemson University Advanced Materials Center. The 28,000-square-foot facility will house Clemson University spin-off companies, entrepreneurial start-ups and larger companies relocating to South Carolina that focus on advanced materials, nanotechnology and biomaterials.
Marshall University and the Huntington Area Development Corporation entered into an agreement last month to build a new biotech incubator, reports The State Journal.  Located near the university’s Forensic Science Center, the incubator will serve biotechnology spin-off companies that originated at Marshall University.
University Research Park in Madison, Wis., announced in March plans to build a new, 65,000-square-foot accelerator building to house life sciences companies that have moved beyond early-stage development. The building will be located south of the MGE Innovation Center, a larger incubator facility designed for early-stage companies.

Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Jerseyincubators