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Interagency Initiatives

February 15, 2000

  • Global Warming – 42 percent increase to $2.4 billion. The initiative includes: research and development efforts into Clean Energy research ($1.4 billion) and Bioenergy and Biobased Products (47 percent increase to $289 million); commercialization incentives for Energy Efficiency ($9 billion over ten years); Clean Energy Export Assistance ($200 million); and, $85 million for local Clean Ar Efforts.
  • National Nanotechnology Initiative – an 83 percent increase to $495 million for research into nanotechnology, the ability to manipulate individual atoms and molecules. Participating agencies include NSF, Defense, Energy, NIH, NASA and NIST. Approximately 70% of the new funding will support to university-research.
  • The Digital Divide – including among other initiatives: $2 billion over ten years in tax incentives to encourage private sector computer technology donations and worker training; $100 million in the Department of Education to create 1,000 Community Technology Centers in low-income urban and rural areas; $150 million for teacher training; $45 million to triple the size of Commerce's Technology Opportunities Program (formerly TIIAP) to promote innovative applications of information and communications technology for under-served communities; $10 million to assist Native Americans in their pursuit of careers in information technology; and, $25 million to accelerate private sector deployment of broadband networks in underserved rural and urban areas.
  • Information Technology Research – $600 million increase for the Information Technology for the 21st Century initiative bringing the FY 2001 total to $2.3 billion. The initiative includes the Next Generation Internet project. Agencies involved include, NSF, Energy Defense, Health & Human Services, Commerce and EPA.
  • New Market Initiatives – including, among others: $52 million in new SBA funding for New Market Venture Capital to match private equity with $150 million in government-guaranteed debt and technical assistance to encourage the growth of smaller firms; double the New Markets Tax Credit to stimulate $15 billion in private capital investment in economically distressed areas; improve and expand the number of Empowerment Zones and the incentives they can offer; $37 million (up $18 million) to establish America's Private Investment Companies (APICs) to guaranteed debt to private investments companies for investments in low- and moderate-income communities; and, $5 million for a new New Markets University Partnerships pilot project under HUD to provide universities with funding to develop local community partnerships to provide technical and business development assistance to new and existing firms.
  • Integrating Science for Ecosystem Challenges – $747 million to support environmental research to improve our understanding of influences and factors that result in ecosystem decline and biodiversity loss.
  • Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) – $255 million, a 29 million increase in FY 2001.