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Invest Atlanta Intends to Focus on Jobs and Competitiveness

January 25, 2012

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed unveiled Invest Atlanta — the city's new economic development authority that places a renewed effort on job creation and competitiveness. Invest Atlanta will work primarily to attract new investment, grow international trade, fuel innovation and support entrepreneurship. Mayor Reed said, "[Invest Atlanta] represents an effort to modernize our approach to investment, attracting businesses, foreign capital and trade." Mayor Reed, who serves as chairperson of the nine-member board of directors, also announced that the organization is tasked with developing a new regional economic growth strategy. Invest Atlanta intends to leverage the benefits of bond financing, revolving loan funds, housing financing, tax increment financing and tax credits to achieve their economic development goals. Invest Atlanta will be headed by President and CEO Brian McGowan, former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of commerce under President Obama. McGowan said, "Invest Atlanta will continue to honor its traditional mission but will place a renewed emphasis and focus on ensuring that the city has the right atmosphere to help existing companies grow and attract new companies. Our new name shows we will work to get companies to invest in Atlanta creating jobs and economic opportunity for all of our residents."
