Iowa Governor Proposes Several S&T Initiatives
Governor Tom Vilsack has unveiled a plan to enhance Iowa’s science and technology base. In his 2001 budget proposal, the governor has proposed $10 million in state funds to create Centers of Excellence in the life sciences, information solutions, and advanced manufacturing areas. Iowa's Regent’s Universities and the Iowa Department of Economic Development will inventory current assets, evaluate the potential for critical mass commercialization of new products and processing methods, and develop a continuous cycle for Iowa's advancement in these areas.
In addition, Governor Vilsack has appointed a technology advisor and three industry-specific technology advisors in the areas of life sciences, information solutions, and advanced manufacturing. The four advisors will be responsible for formulating industry-driven technology strategies designed to further the life science, advanced manufacturing, and information solutions areas. In addition, a three-year economic development investment plan is to be designed to strengthen Iowa’s technological presence in each of these three focus areas.
Finally, Governor Vilsack has called for the Iowa Capital Investment Board to oversee the development of seed and venture capital funds. The funds may be generated through: creation of small business investment companies; creation of certified capital companies willing to invest in Iowa ventures; and, coordination with existing venture funds. Tax credits not to exceed $35 million may be used to facilitate private investment in these seed and venture funds.