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Job Corner

September 01, 2010

TechConnect WV, a nonprofit advancing technology-based economic development, is seeking an executive director and solicits interest from individuals and entities able to provide services on a contractual basis.

The executive director will provide full-time support for TechConnect in executing an established strategy for promoting the Innovation Economy in WV. Critical skills will involve organizational management, branding/marketing, and financial development through a variety of sources, including state and federal government sources. The candidate should be a self-starter with the ability to work effectively with many organizational partners and a large, diverse board of directors. Experience as an entrepreneur, small business consultant, strategic consultant, or non-profit executive is desirable.

The contract will run concurrent to an 18-month grant, which TechConnect WV seeks to secure by Oct. 1, 2010. Responses will be accepted through Friday, Sept. 17 at blueprintwv@gmail.com.

West Virginia