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Listen to SSTI's Interview with Susan Shows of the Georgia Research Alliance

March 26, 2009
SSTI has an effective new learning tool for TBED policymakers and practitioners seeking guidance in approaches to building and sustaining tech-based economies. Through exclusive interviews with Excellence in TBED Award recipients, find out first-hand how these award winning initiatives successfully responded to a critical need by applying innovative approaches to generate substantial economic gains for their region. Georgia Research Alliance VentureLab 2007 Winner for the Commercializing Research category

Listen to a six-minute clip of SSTI's interview with GRA Senior Vice President Susan Shows.

VentureLab is a technology commercialization program operating at five of GRA's partner universities. The program seeks out university-based research and awards three phases of commercialization and seed grants to universities and early-stage companies. A unique aspect of the program is the VentureLab Fellows, who often serve as the first CEO's of new companies, developing business plans, managing the incorporation process, and raising private investment capital.

VentureLab has experienced significant success in a relatively short period of time. Since its inception in 2002, VentureLab has funded 165 discoveries/technologies, resulting in the formation of 70 companies and $300 million in combined private capital raised. GRA's investment of $12 million from 2002-2008 has generated a return in terms of private capital raised of 25:1.

Listen to the six-minute condensed version of the interview or the full conversation (19 minutes).

SSTI will be posting podcast interviews with all of the 2007 and 2008 Excellence in TBED Award winners in the coming months.

For more information about the SSTI Excellence in TBED Awards, visit: http://www.ssti.org/Awards/overview.htm. View this page on the web at: http://www.ssti.org/media/shows.html.

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2009 State Science and Technology Institute
