Listen to SSTI's Interview with Tom Rogers and Shawn Carson of Technology 2020
SSTI has an effective new learning tool for TBED policymakers and practitioners seeking guidance in approaches to building and sustaining tech-based economies. Through exclusive interviews with Excellence in TBED Award recipients, find out first-hand how these award winning initiatives successfully responded to a critical need by applying innovative approaches to generate substantial economic gains for their region. Technology 2020 2007 Winner for the Building Entrepreneurial Capacity category
Listen to this 12-minute clip of SSTI's interview with former Technology 2020 President and CEO Tom Rogers and Shawn Carson, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Growth.
Technology 2020 is a public-private partnership established in 1995 in the East Tennessee Valley Region. Leveraging the assets of the region's federal technology resources with its own business development program, access to capital through three distinct equity programs, and the support of an innovation technology council, Technology 2020 has created a comprehensive entrepreneurial support system to help generate new businesses and create high-quality jobs.
Technology 2020 has tracked several key performance measures to determine regional economic impact, including new company formation, employment growth, and the amount of capital leveraged by equity-based programs. Since its inception, Technology 2020 has played a key role in the creation of more than 214 innovative companies. These companies employ more than 1,980 people with an average salary of $64,861. This accounts for an annual regional payroll of more than $128 million and a total economic impact of more than $260 million.
Listen to the 12-minute interview.
SSTI will be posting podcast interviews with all of the 2007 and 2008 Excellence in TBED Award winners in the coming months.
For more information about the SSTI Excellence in TBED Awards, visit: View this page on the web at:
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