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Manufacturing Org Launches National Effort Targeted at High School Students

July 07, 2016

With the U.S. facing an anticipated skills gap of two million manufacturing jobs by 2025, SME – a national manufacturing workforce development organization – launched the SME High School Membership program – a free online platform to “educate the next generation on the value of manufacturing and encourage careers in the field.” The new platform is the expansion of a pilot program that engaged more than 600 high school students via memberships, which included SME’s 16 PRIME (Partnership Response In Manufacturing Education) schools. Utilizing STEM Premier’s online platform, students can create a digital profile to showcase their skills and abilities; receive customized academic and career guidance; match up with $20 billion in scholarship opportunities; and, directly connect with colleges and companies looking to recruit. The program also will offer high school students access to:

  • Mentorship programs – High school student members can connect virtually with professionals in the industry to learn about careers and real-life manufacturing experiences;
  • SME knowledge and resources – An online platform that provides technical information and knowledge on a vast array of manufacturing processes and other engineering-related subjects;
  • Competitions – Real-world manufacturing challenges and competitions that give high school student members the opportunity to be creative, while utilizing their problem-solving skills and abilities; and,
  • Innovation tours – Through SME’s local chapters and events, high school members can participate in innovation tours at manufacturing facilities, tradeshows, open houses and other educational events.

Learn more about the SME High School Membership program…

manufacturing, workforce