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Manufacturing USA approaches 200,000 engagement milestone

October 04, 2018

The number of workers, students and educators participating in the Manufacturing USA institutes’ portfolio of programs, research projects and training courses grew seven-fold to surpass 191,000 individuals in 2017, according to the network’s new annual report.  With a network of 14 individual institutes supported by the departments of Commerce, Defense and Energy, the Manufacturing USA initiative saw tremendous growth during 2017, including six institutes that went online just during the year.

The program’s value to America’s manufacturers is demonstrated by increases in industry participation, evidenced by 270 applied research projects already underway and a 2:1 matching investment in the network from non-federal sources. Matching contributions already exceed $2 billion. Additionally, membership grew by more than 50 percent to reach 1,291 companies, with almost two thirds being small and mid-sized firms. Highlights and summaries of Manufacturing USA work are available in the full annual report, downloadable here.
