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Midwest VC Conference Seeks Presenters

June 11, 1999

The Ninth Annual Great Midwest Venture Capital Conference will be held November 8-9, 1999 in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Indiana Business Modernization & Technology Corp. (BMT) is seeking applications from emerging technology businesses to present their business profiles and capital needs to a variety of potential investors at the event.

Presenter participation is limited to 30 companies. Each selected participant is allotted 12 minutes of presentation time and a display booth in the exhibit hall to facilitate further discussions with prospective investors.

A wide variety of industries have been represented in the past with technology-related businesses, particularly software developers and Internet firms, tending to dominate.

Half of the presenter positions are already filled, although the deadline for presenter registration is August 27, 1999. Participation is not limited to Midwest companies: firms from Utah and New Mexico are among the presenters who have secured positions on the conference agenda.

Presenter registration, presenter profiles, and additional information can be obtained at the conference website: www.greatmidwestvcc.com 
