National Science Foundation
February 15, 2000
Under the President's budget request, NSF would receive increased funding of $675 million or 17.3 percent, doubling the single largest increase ever for the Foundation. If passed, Funding for NSF will have increased by 66 percent since President Clinton took office. Selected program highlights for the FY 2001 request:
- Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) – $48.4 million (down $3 million) to broaden participation of states and regions in science and engineering.
- Office of Innovation Partnerships – (no new funding) established in FY 2000 with $8.5 million, to examine means of helping institutions expand their research capacity and competitiveness.
- Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) – $69 million (up $9 million).
- Science & Technology Centers (STCs) – $44 million (down $9 million).
- Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRS&ECs) – $58 million (up $6 million)
- Centers for Research Excellence in Science & Technology – $9 million (no change).
- Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRCs) – $5 million (no change) to continue to support 55 I/UCRCs.
- State/Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (S/I/UCRCs) – $1 million (no change) for the continued phase out of the program and to support 3 S/I/UCRCs.
- Small Business Innovation Research –$74.7 million (up $12.9 million), provided the full NSF budget request is approved by Congress.