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New Govs Usher in New S&T Personnel

January 17, 2003

SSTI continues a series begun in last week's Digest, highlighting key economic development and science & technology positions being filled by some of the nation's 24 new governors. Many of these individuals are expected to help set the state's tech-based economic development agenda and determine budget cuts, reorganization plans or program eliminations.

In addition, President Bush has announced Charles McQueary of North Carolina will be his nominee to be undersecretary for science and technology at Homeland Security. Dr. McQueary is the retired President of General Dynamics and a former member of the Board of Directors of the National Defense Industrial Association.


Neal Wade, vice president of economic development for a Florida real estate corporation, has joined the cabinet of Alabama Governor Bob Riley as director of the Alabama Development Office.


Governor Robert Ehrlich, Jr. is appointing Aris Melissaratos to be the new secretary of the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development. Melissaratos is a venture capitalist


Governor Mitt Romney named Robert Pozen, Vice Chairman of Fidelity Investments and President of Fidelity Management and Research Company, to serve as chief for Commerce and Labor.


Matt Kramer, vice president of marketing for Syntegra USA, is Governor Tim Pawlenty's pick to be the Commissioner for Trade and Economic Development
