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New SBA Programs Offered

April 30, 1999

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced two new programs to assist small businesses.

Y2K Loans

SBA will begin accepting applications in early May for a loan program to help small businesses with problems related to the date change from 1999 to 2000 (Y2K).

The new loan guaranties are designed to meet two needs. First, the program will enable small businesses to purchase systems, software, equipment, and services necessary to become Y2K compliant. Second, the program will assist small firms that suffer economic injury as a result of the date change.

More information about the program is available on the SBA's web site at www.sba.gov/y2k  or by calling 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

Free Financial Software

The SBA, working in partnership with the Intuit corporation, will distribute free copies of Quickbooks Pro software to new business owners. The partnership is part of the agency's efforts to support the use of technology in small business management. More than 4,000 copies of the accounting program will be given away.

Only new business owners with a business plan or business license completed since October 1998 are eligible for the program.

The QuickBooks Pro software is available through SBA's Business Information Centers, One Stop Capital Shops, and Women's Business Centers. For the location of these centers, contact the SBA web site at www.sba.gov/services or call 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.