New Study Finds ATP Speeds Technology Development
The National Institute of Standards and Technology's Advanced Technology Program (ATP) is having a significant impact in accelerating the pace of technology development, according to a new study of 28 early ATP award winners.
Half of the companies surveyed (14 out of 28) estimated that participation in the ATP reduced their technology development cycle by 50 percent, typically reducing a six-year process to three years. The majority (27 out of 28, or 96 percent) estimated that ATP participation reduced the cycle time anywhere from 30 to 66 percent.
Accelerated technology development translates to dollars and cents according to the companies studied, with estimates of the economic impact of reducing cycle time ranging from one million to several billions of dollars for a single year of time saved.
In addition, 24 of the companies (86 percent) indicated that participation in ATP resulted in cycle-time improvements that carried over to other technology development projects outside of ATP. They spoke of adapting specific "ATP practices" to related programs.
The results are documented in "Acceleration of Technology Development by the Advanced Technology Program: The Experience of 28 Projects Funded in 1991," one of a series of studies commissioned by the ATP as part of the program's evaluation and analysis efforts.
Copies of the study are available from the ATP Office of Economic Assessment, 301/975-4332.