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NIST Announces $26M to Expand Services at MEP Centers in 10 States

March 05, 2015

The National Institute of Standards and Technology-Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST-MEP) announced the award of 10 new five-year cooperative agreements to manage Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) centers. In an open competition, the existing MEP centers in Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, were selected to receive a total of $26 million in funding – an increase of about $10 million (nearly 60 percent). In addition to the additional federal funding:

  • The state/local cash increased significantly in eight states;
  • The cash contribution remained constant at nearly $2 million in one state; and,
  • In one state, state/local in-kind support replaced in-kind support from other sources.

The funding is intended to help the centers to reach new customers and offer new services. Read the announcement…

manufacturing, federal agency