NIST Announces Recompetition of 22 State MEP Centers in 2016
The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) released a notice of intent to issue two future Federal Funding Opportunities (FFOs) in 2016 for the recompetition of state MEP centers in 22 states. Each state MEP center provides manufacturing extension services to primarily small- and medium-sized manufacturers in their respective state. The first FFO will be released in January to support the recompetition of state MEP centers in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and Vermont. The second FFO will be released in July 2016 for the recompetition of state MEP centers in an additional 11 states including Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina, and Wyoming. Prior to or in conjunction with each FFO, NIST intends to host regional forums to help organizations through the application process. Read the announcement…
federal agency, nist, manufacturing