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NRC Releases First Phase of ATP Evaluation

November 12, 1999

As the first Advanced Technology Program (ATP) projects approach their 10th anniversary, many in government, industry and academia are asking the question: Is the program working?

In March 1999, the National Research Council began its contribution to the growing numbers of groups and individuals assessing the impact of the ATP. The Council's Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy held a special symposium to review the history, operations and economic analysis of the ATP as the first step in a larger evaluation.

The Advanced Technology Program: Challenges and Opportunities is the annotated proceedings from the March 29, 1999 meeting. This report compiles a broad array of perspectives on ATP as well as what the government's role should be in supporting high-risk R&D. The various participants include venture capitalists, small high-tech business owners, Capitol Hill policy makers, and academic researchers in economics.

Copies of the report, The Advanced Technology Program: Challenges and Opportunities (ISBN 0-309-06775-8), are available from the National Academy Press, Box 285, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W.,  Washington, D.C. 20055, (800) 624-6242.