NSF Announces New Funding for Smart & Connected Communities
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is seeking preliminary proposals for $18.5 million in funding to support the Smart & Connected Communities (S&CC) program. The NSF expects to make 18–29 awards in the following four categories:
- S&CC Integrative Research Grants (IRG) Track 1;
- S&CC Integrative Research Grants (IRG) Track 2;
- S&CC Research Coordination Networks (RCN); and,
- S&CC Planning Grants.
The goal of this Smart & Connected Communities solicitation is to support interdisciplinary and integrative research and research capacity-building activities, while undertaking meaningful community engagement. The specific objectives of this solicitation are to: 1) enhance understanding and support the design of smart and connected communities, in ways that improve the quality of life within them; 2) foster the development of a robust, multidisciplinary and diverse research community that encompasses, integrates, and extends disciplinary perspectives in the social, behavioral, economic, and learning sciences and in computer and information sciences and engineering, and engineering research; and,3) support research capacity-building to address the challenges and opportunities of present and future smart and connected communities.
A preliminary proposal must be submitted by November 30, 2016, and the full proposal deadline is February 16, 2017.
metros, nsf