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NSF, EPA Looking for Sustainable Environment Technology

May 21, 1999

The Environmental Protection Agency and the National Science Foundation have announced approximately $5 million will be awarded in FY 2000 for grants to support research toward "Technology for a Sustainable Environment."

Entities eligible to submit proposals include universities and not-for-profit institutions. The agencies anticipate making 20 grant awards for the solicitation in January 2000. Proposals are due July 26, 1999.

The competition is designed to address pollution avoidance/prevention processes, methodologies, and technology research. Research proposals are invited that advance the development and use of innovative technologies and approaches directed at avoiding or minimizing the generation of pollutants at the source.

Research projects are possible in the general areas of: chemistry for pollution avoidance or prevention; engineering for pollution avoidance and prevention; chemical processes and reaction engineering; simulations, modeling, sensors, and feedback techniques for pollution avoidance and prevention; and industrial ecology.

The competition is not intended to address issues related to waste monitoring, treatment, remediation, recycling, or containment other than those aspects that pertain to in-process recycling of waste. Research in the areas of remediation and treatment of hazardous materials is supported by other program activities in both agencies.

Projects that are "on the cutting edge" or are "high-risk/ high-payoff" are encouraged. Projects also will be considered that show the potential to change research infrastructure, by developing teams, using systems approaches, introducing new ways of conducting research.

Cost sharing for the program is limited to 30 percent of all equipment expenses above $10,000 for proposals funded by NSF; EPA has no cost share requirement.

The "Technology for a Sustainable Environment" program is part of the NSF/EPA Partnership for Environmental Research, currently in its fifth year of making awards. Other research areas targeted this year include: water and watersheds; decision-making and valuation for environmental policy; and environmental statistics.

More information on the current program announcement can be found on the web at: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/1999/nsf99108/nsf99108.txt  
