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Plan for New Economic Development Authority Unveiled in Arizona

April 21, 2010

In response to dwindling state funding and concerns related to leadership, focus and productivity in the state's current economic development model, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer announced the creation of a new quasi-public state agency to focus on targeted industries such as solar, science, technology, aerospace, and defense to help the state grow jobs and remain globally competitive. The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) would replace the Arizona Department of Commerce, but does not assume all of its current functions. In addition to an annual appropriation from the general fund or another dedicated state funding source, private sector funds would be used to support the marketing efforts of the ACA. These funds would come from a 1.5 percent fee charged to companies accessing certain state incentive programs. Read the press release or the full report from the Governor's Commerce Advisory Council: http://www.azgovernor.gov/dms/upload/PR_GovernorsCommerceAdvisoryCouncilReport.pdf
