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Recent Entrepreneurship Items Of Note

October 19, 2001

A Letter from Bozeman, Montana

The National Commission on Entrepreneurship publishes NCOE Update, a free, high-quality e-newsletter providing insightful looks into the factors and trends shaping the country’s entrepreneurial community. This week’s issue provides a useful examination of the public and private efforts to nurture technology entrepreneurship in Bozeman, Montana. The story and subscription information can be found on the NCOE website: http://www.ncoe.org/newsletter/update/10_16_01.html

Back issues of the biweekly NCOE Update are available under the Newsletter link on the NCOE website.

A Look at the New York City Reinvestment Fund

The latest issue of the Capital Xchange, published online by the Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, includes an article analyzing the success of the New York City Reinvestment Fund. Started in 1996, the Fund has already invested $54 million in 48 projects, creating 2,750 jobs for the city. The authors, Peter Plastrik and Kathryn Wilde, point out though, that it’s the CEO-to-CEO relationships that have made the Fund work. Offering the Fund as a model for replication in other urban cores, the authors highlight five major lessons learned over the Fund’s short history. The article is available at: http://www.brookings.edu/es/urban/capitalxchange.htm

More facts on the New York City Reinvestment Fund are available here: http://www.brookings.edu/es/urban/capitalxchange/plastrik2.pdf

Tools for Entrepreneurship: Building New Economies in Rural America

What are the best tools for local communities to use in helping entrepreneurs develop more homegrown businesses? What roles can national and regional leaders play in strengthening rural entrepreneurship? What investment opportunities are available for private, philanthropic, and public-sector partners to encourage more small business development?

These are among the key questions addressed in a new publication from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) offering the insights and experiences of some of the nation's leading experts on rural entrepreneurship. The 48-page book, based on a national conference held by ARC last Fall, focuses on how rural communities can use entrepreneurship to create more and better jobs.

The document is available online: http://www.arc.gov/programs/reginit/entrep.htm
