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Reports by the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology and Government Available Through SSTI

August 01, 1997

SSTI is pleased to be able to provide reports issued by the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. The Commission was created in 1988 by the Carnegie Corporation of New York to help government institutions respond to the unprecedented advances in science and technology transforming the world.

This premier science and technology organization published a series of reports that are highly diverse, intellectually rich, and practical in application. The main themes, ranging from Congress' role in science and technology policy to environmental research and development, address issues critical to all science and technology practitioners and policy makers.

Due to the support of the Carnegie Corporation, SSTI is able to provide 20 of the Commission's reports. Descriptions of these reports along with an order form can be viewed on SSTI's website. Or, to have the SSTI Publications Catalog mailed to you, please contact the Institute at 614/421-SSTI (7784). The Carnegie reports are free; however, shipping charges may apply.
