Resources Available for Displaced Workers Interested in Entrepreneurship
In an effort to help combat the present economic downturn, the Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation is looking to partner with groups across the U.S. to provide training to displaced workers interested in starting new businesses.
The Kauffman Center is offering its proven FastTrac NewVentureTM program materials at no cost to organizations that want to provide the course to downsized workers in their states or communities. Partner organizations locate attendees, handle logistics, and pay trainer expenses. Displaced workers participate in the program at no charge. The Center has 10 years of experience with the FastTrac program and is ready to work with partners to implement the program rapidly and effectively in their communities.
In FastTrac NewVentureTM, participants explore the feasibility of their business concept, develop mentor relationships, discover whether life as an entrepreneur is right for them, and lay the groundwork for their future business ventures. The program is currently being implemented for displaced workers from Sprint in Kansas City and the aviation industry in Wichita, Kansas.
Those interested in partnering with the Kauffman Center to provide entrepreneurship training to displaced workers should contact Kathy Nadlman at 913-681-5525 or