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Small Manufacturing Week Proclaimed; Summit Planned

September 17, 1999

President Clinton has declared September 19 through September 25 Small Manufacturing Week to recognize the economic contributions and national importance of America’s 385,000 small and medium-sized manufacturers.

On September 21-22, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership of the National Institute of Standards & Technology (MEP), the National Association of Manufacturers, and the Modernization Forum are holding a Manufacturing Summit at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center in Washington, D.C.

Topics to be addressed during the Summit will include:

  • International Trade: Market Growth and Economic Prosperity
  • eCommerce: Building the Digital Economy
  • Workforce: Investing in People
  • Advancing Sustainable Manufacturing

The Summit will also be the site for the unveiling of an exhibit showcasing more than 200 products and artifacts collected from small manufacturers around the country.

Visit http://www.mep.nist.gov for more information about the event.