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SSTI conference builds innovation bridges

September 21, 2017

SSTI’s 2017 Annual Conference held last week in Washington, D.C., helped build bridges to the future through its gathering of more than 250 participants working to create a better future through science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. Congressman David Cicilline addressed the gathering and stressed the importance of the Regional Innovation Strategies program in his keynote address. Thought leaders revealed insights on the current political climate, social and demographic trends across the nation, and the importance of building an inclusive effort to create sustainable and meaningful change.

Attendees were able to mingle with Hill staff during the National Innovation Reception and outstanding programs from across the country were recognized in the Creating a Better Future Awards program. The premier gathering of peers return home with new ideas and solutions developed from the numerous sessions focused on challenges and solutions to a variety of issues including capital formation, workforce and talent development, scaling start-up companies and more.   

ssti conference, innovation